The Official Association of Commercial Agents of Valencia has more than 1,200 m² of space at the disposal of its members. Associates can use the meeting rooms or exhibition of products, the computer room, cafeteria, etc.
All our facilities are at the Associate’s service so that they can hold appointments and meetings in them, make special presentations of samples or promptly attend to a client. If they want it, the members can use the facilities as a study center, social club, etc. having free parking for one hour.
Chat room
Room for meetings and talks
- Internet connection
- Video projector and blackboard
- Speaker system
- Conference hal
Room with capacity for 90 people
- Conference table with sound system
Computer room with capacity for 25 people
- Internet and network connection
- Video projector and electronic whiteboardIn addition.
the Associates have a space with free internet access, as well as a website with space available for members of the Accociation and free email.
If you want to use any of our meeting rooms to do a product demonstration, attend a group of clients or gather your business team you can easily make a reservation through our calendar (see below). Select the day and time that interests you and we will confirm the appointment. You can also call us by phone at +34 963 518 409.